Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blog 13/14

After working on the video through IMovie, I realized how creative a person can be using digital media. I was able to add a butterfly coming out of a cocoon, scenes that my partners and i were unable to film. It was fun adding special effects and music, giving my video much more a uniqueness.I found this project to be very personalized, because although my partners and i all had the same footage, we were each able to edit the movie as we pleased. I think having the opportunity to make our video gives you the option to be creative, professional, and organized with the material you wish to present. This would be an ideal project for students to be included to do.

In the article "Splicing Video in the Writing Process", 5th grade students were given the task to create a video on the Civil War. Students were to create a movies through the writing process and explore the power of digital video in a project that ties content, writing skills, and technology. Having the students create a video gives them the opportunity to encounter new technology directly with curriculum and increase the student's capacity to communicate in digital age. The creation of a video inspires to students to be project content and process driven, use technology as a tool which helps students to become literate in multimedia, digital age. The students are given steps to follow for their projects, and are assigned tasks that capitalize their strengths. The steps involve scripting, a process of creating a digital video that meshes with the writing process. After all the work in done and the videos are finished, the students are not only proud of their work, but excited to present to the whole class their final project. The idea of involving media with content incorporates many angles that benefit the students and makes the experience fun and exciting.

NO BLOG 12 :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blog 11

During the imovie project, my group members and I drafted many ideas as to what out topic would be. At first, we had decided on teaching about electricity. For original concept was that we would dress like scientists and use batteries, wires, and a light bulb. The idea was suggested by Nicole, but Beth and I were unsure as to how we would explain the concept since it involved more depth of explanation. In addition, we couldn’t decide on the tools. So to sole our problem, I suggested we do metamorphosis. I found this topic to be extremely easy since I had previously done that topic in my art class. I had made puppets that were a caterpillar and butterfly. Beth and Nicole liked the idea so we went with it. Using a storyboard was highly effective because we were able to be organized and be able to decide the details. Storyboards are an easy way to think out the procedure to make the setting, duties, etc much more smoother to tape the story. I think the total time we spent filming was half an hour. Deciding what topic to do took longer than the actual filming process.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blog 10

After reading the article, the material focused on the Digital Divide. The purpose to explain the Digital Divide is to acknowledge the differences in access to and equality of technology experience based on categories such as income, race, gender, location, or education. As an educator, it is important to consider these categories so we can improve the interaction students have with technology. Some students may only experience technology when only at school. But if computers are offered only during school hours, how may students be able to use technology? It is the duty of the teacher to provide interaction of technology through programs with the material so students may all have a chance to use the computers. This conflicts with the idea of quantity vs quality. Although some students have the quality of equal opportunity to technology, it doesn't mean each student has the quantity amount of time spent on the computer. Teachers are responsible for the influence of technology present in the student's life and the skills and knowledge influence the student's achievement as much as the student's categories. In order to improve the student's achievement, it is important to be aware of the use of technology on how we use it to assist ALL students. I really found this article meaningful because i grew up with many of my friends who had no means of technology, and as an educator, i have to be aware that not all my students will have equal resources.

After this week, I really enjoyed Wiki. I found it very convenient and easy. i think it will be very beneficial in the classroom and will be a good source to involve students with technology.I especially enjoyed the capability of easily managing and editing work with group members. The features allow you to customize colors, fonts, and pictures. In addition, the history allows you as an educator to see who has posted, edited, and/ or contributed to the work. This makes grading fair for those who worked hard and for those who slacked off. Wiki gives the opportunity for students to be original and create their own ideas by using the guidelines given by the teacher. The work has been divided into parts for each group member to do. I am doing the Web links along with editing all the other things. I also have added information to policies. I think it is coming together fine, especially given the fact that we all have different schedules and some have started their parts sooner than others. This activity is a very affective way to personalize and manage the internet at your pace. In addition, you control the amount of information and what is posted. I think this will highly benefit us as educators.