Monday, May 5, 2008

Balboa Park: Part I

On Saturday, i went to Balboa Park to support the walk/ event for the issue of Tibet and Dafur. It was a very intense presentation that began with a walk and concluded with survivors who shared their experiences. Along with their moving and eye-opening words, a performance was given by traditional Mexican natives who danced ancient rituals. Their dance was a symbol of unity and peace, hoping to unite all with insence, feathers, and images of the Virgin Mary. While all this took place, along the side of the center stage area, there was various tables that contained information about the situation in Tibet and the inhuman tragedties that are occuring there. There was a blanket open to the public to sign, it was white and symbolized the unity of all races and cultures who stand together to protest and stop the inhuman crulety.This event was very inspirational because i found it very moving...and found it very disturbing how no solution has been made to stop the injustice from continuing. There was one speaker who was a former Lost Boy from Darfur...his speech brought tears to my eyes as he describe the violence, starvation, devestation occuring...and his plea for all to remember this problem and to act fast to stop or do something about it! No pictures could be taken of him because he had familuy still in Darfur and if he was discovered talking about it, his family would be killed. Its times like this when you realize how fortunate you are and how the idea of others sufuriing for a pointless war is disgusting and how yet it still goes on....and how we HAVE to DO something.

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