Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Rikki Wemega-Kwawu
I loved his colors and his ability to use abstracts. He uses pictoral and abstract themes, that draw the viewer to gaze and use his or her own imagination. He has no restrictions and to me, his work is inspiration becasue he has no professional schooling and is self taught. His work is complex and very detailed. The details represent African decor and i love the titles he has for each...because you are able to focus on the title which takes you to emotion or idea he wishes to portray.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Cristina - I am the curator of the exhibition at the SD museum of man at which you saw Rikki, Kobina and James' work. I am really glad that you enjoyed the work enough to post on your blog. I would appreciate it if you could credit our site www.african-encounters.com by including a link and crediting the organization with the images on your blog. Also feel free to contact us at our site.